Original IPA circa 1840 (for SACAGAWEA) 6% ABV One of our yearly flagship beers this is a historical recreation of IPA as it tasted when it was actually sent to India. Brewed with 100% English pale ale malt and 160 calculated IBUs of East Kent Goldings hops. Aged in neutral oak barrels for a year with Brettanomyces then dry hopped with more EKG hops. The aroma is beautiful with loads of Brett funk and orangey fruit from the hops. A year of aging in barrels has softened the eye watering amount of hops, the hop resin is still mouth coating but isn’t harsh in the least. Funky Brett, oak and fruity hops fight it out for your attention. Amazingly drinkable for all the complexity. This is really the companion beer to our East India Porter (circa 1840) released 2 weeks ago. I don’t know of any other brewery making these authentic recreations, this is a rare chance to taste what the Original IPA was like almost two centuries ago. Available in bottles at the brewery this weekend and at local bottle shops next week. Bottle conditioned 500 ml bottles $12 Note: We have always dedicated this beer to intrepid travelers, from Anthony Bourdain to Laika the first dog in space. This time we salute SACAGAWEA the Native American who guided Lewis and Clark.