Batch #5 (for Yoko Ono) Tokyo Style Gose

A completely fictional style, a Gose is a salty, tart wheat beer that is usually spiced with coriander. We used local Miso Masters white miso to get the salinity and pickled ginger for the spiciness. Super refreshing and perfect for a picnic or after a hike…or just sitting on the porch. (3.7% ABV)

We dedicate this beer to Yoko Ono whose music may be an acquired taste, but without it we would never have the band Melt Banana and we can’t imagine a world without Melt Banana…

Batch #4 (for David Bowie) Hoppy Farmhouse Style Ale

Batch No-4-PMS354-Bowie

We took our classic mixed field Saison and hop it up like a west coast IPA.  Fruity and juicy hop aromas leap from the glass and the beer finishes crisp and dry. Brewed with Pilsner malt, raw wheat, rye, oats, spelt, Columbus, Centennial, Comet and Citra hops. Don’t age this one, drink it as fresh as possible!

This beer is dedicated to David Bowie, a creative spirit right up until the end, so long Ziggy…

Bottled on March 25th, 2016

Batch #3 (for J.G. Ballard) Traditional Grisette

Batch No-3-PMS396-Ballard

Grisette is a modern form of saison, influenced by the popular pilsner style but still brewed with traditional farmhouse yeast and rustic ingredients. Refreshing and crisp with a delicate hop character that lets our house yeast blend shine. Brewed with pilsner malt, Styrian Goldings and Sterling hops.

This beer is dedicated to J.G. Ballard, one of the great science fiction writers whose short essay Things I Wish I Could Tell My 18 Year Old Self was influential to the starting of Zebulon Brewing.

Bottled on March 1st, 2016

Batch #2 (for David Lynch) Smoked Stout with Coffee

Batch No-2-PMS1245-2

A smokey, black ale aged with whole coffee beans. Our grain bill starts with over 60% smoked malt, flaked barley for mouthfeel and brown and black malts for a complex roast character. The coffee from Mountain Air Roasters compliments the malt flavor but doesn’t overwhelm the beer.

We dedicated this beer to David Lynch, one of our favorite film directors whose love of coffee and cigarettes is well known. His first film, Eraserhead is our brewer’s favorite movie of all time.

Bottled on January 18, 2016

Batch #1 (for Jean De Clerck) Traditional Farmhouse Saison

Batch No-1-PMS1805-3

For our first batch we wanted to show respect to the tradition of Belgian and French farmhouse brewers. We start with a mixed field grain bill of pilsner malt, raw wheat, oats, spelt and rye, ferment with our house saison blend and then add our house Brett blend at bottling to develop some light funk.

We dedicated this batch to the Belgian brewing scientist Jean De Clerck who helped to restart brewing in Belgium after WWII and went on to write a two volume set of brewing textbooks that are still required reading today.

Bottled on Jan 3 2016